Lei Ding

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I like Machine Learning, esp. how to make it feasible and practical in industries! And I believe the true power of ML is still on the horiton. To be specific, I'm enthusiastic with algorithm optimization and model compression as well as how to levearage knowledge base in natural language understanding(NLU). And I really enjoy discussing and cooperating with guys having technical dreams, making technologies closer to people's life.

I did my undergraduate and graduate work at Sichuan University, where I earned both a Bachelor (2004) and M.S. (2007) in computer science. Now after working in SAP about 15 years, a new Ph.D. jounery is unfolding since 2022 this fall. Currently I'm starting with my research work in interactive Dialog System and natural language understanding(NLU) in University of California, Santa Cruz University, advised by professor Zhang, Yi.

Looking back to my passed academic time, the most interesting and passionate sections were fully engaging with challenging while promising research work. In 2003-2004, I got an opportunity to complete a RDF-based knowledge graph research project under the guide of professor Jiliu, Zhou, focusing on how to mine and reason out the relationship between entities in a directional graph with loops. That's the beginning of my research and I surprisingly found the optimized graph exploration algorithm can benefit people in health cases quite a lot. That was also why I was willing to take one challenging peer-to-peer optimization research advised by my M.S. professor Zhishu,Li and professor Jian, Peng. And a new Ph.D. page is turning up for me. Hopefully I can explore and fully unleash my research passion in the coming 4-5 years.

Working Experience

I was ever working as a Data Scientist & Machine Learning Architect in SAP. Since 2007, the time of joining this company, the motivations of touching on interesting and influential technologies and applying them in real applications is always drving me forwards. In 2013, my research team in SAP Nanjing Innovation Center had taken a research topic about a Simulated-Annealing Based Algorithm. During that half an year time, I was fully engaged with code and mathematical optimization and finally we had speed up the original program about 20 times than before, making many unimaged fossil research work feasible. Fortunately, a new research & development team in SAP Upscale has been founded and I had taken the role of a Data Scientist & Machine Learning Architect, mainly about how to establish recommender systems on top of Reinforcement Learning. Even if I have finished several tough modelling tasks, patent publications as well as co-innovations with our academic partners, it's still limited in term of a systematic knowledge system of Machine Learning. And I hope moving ahead to a completely new Ph.D. jounery can fill up such gap and enables me to stride forward along the direction.


I grew up in Chengdu in Sichua, a beatiful city located in Southwestern of China famous with its delicious food and its city logo - panda. Since then, I've lived there, studied there as well as worked there for years. I enjoy hiking, biking, playing basketball, singing songs, making myself relax and energtic.